Conference Programme
The Conference Programme is available in a single web application, the iPLANNER.
Astana being the host city, the conference programme will be in UTC+05:00.
Display Format
Choose how to view the programme: in a graphical grid format or in a list format.
- Click on the horizontal or vertical icon to show sessions in a graphical grid view;
- Click on the list icon to show sessions in a list view.
Click on a session to preview the content. When previewing a session, click on the star icon to add the session to your favourites.
Favourites and Login
You have to login to be able to save your favourites in the cloud. This login allows you to use the favourites on other computers and browsers as well.
Your name is shown at the top of the left-side menu while you are logged in. You may already have a login from a previous conference (online programme or abstract submission system).
Search the Programme
Enter a search term into the search field in the top left area of the page. You can search for session and presentation titles, codes, abstract numbers, names and institutions. The search will show:
- In the grid view: sessions with no matches are greyed out (but can still be opened); sessions with matches are shown in the colour of their session types;
- In the list view: only sessions with search matches are listed;
- The person icon indicates that a session or presentation contains a person that matches your search term. Click on this icon to open a preview.
Click the icon above the search phrase box to remove the search filter.
Show selected content of the scientific programme by applying filters.
You may choose selected days, session types, session tracks or session rooms as filters. Click the icon above the respective filter to remove it.
Explanatory Notes
Business Meeting / SC: These are business meetings of our Professional Units and are open to participants unless otherwise stated.
Caucus: These are meetings of groups of people based on Geographic Location or Language to discuss matters specifically related to their area.
TBA: Details of this session will be added as soon as available
Off-site: Sessions held not in the congress centre; location will be added when known.